Dr. Szabó

teacher, chorus-master

chorus-master of the Teachers' Chamber Chorus



He was born in Szabadegyháza, 1st December, 1948. Graduated on ELTE BTK, in 1978. Doctorated by Hungarian literature in 1986. His wife, Huszár Gabriella teaches German language and singing, also works as choralist. Their children: Dániel (1975) and Gabriella (1979).

Our chorus-master teaches Hungarian literature and singing in the Leőwey Klára high school in Pécs, where he works and also leads the school choirs from 1981. His student-choirs had rated 'Golden warrant' many times and won the award 'Choir of the Year'. Radio-performances, special awards attach to his name. His students were performed well in several nationwide and county competitions about Hungarian language and literature. Choralist of the well-known Spiritual Quartett of Pécs from 1969. Founder chorus-master of the Teachers' Chamber Chorus from 1978. The choir performs successfully in many places, like radio, television, and a lot of festivals in Hungary and abroad. Dr. Szabolcs Szabó won the special chorus-master award in Budapest. The chorus presented audio cassette, LP and CDs, too. He performed with his choirs in Europe's several countries.

You can see more photos about our chorus-master here: Képek - Photos  SkyDrive album diavetítése


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